Sunday Morning Service, more formally known as the Service on the Lord’s Day, is held every Sunday of the entire year.  We gather at 11:00am during the school year and 10:00am during the summer months.  Services usually last no more than an hour.

As Presbyterians, our worship services are divided into 4 parts: Gathering, Hearing the Word, Responding to the Word and Sending.

The Gathering portion includes, a call to worship, a hymn and a time for both communal and personal confession.

The Hearing of the Word portion includes the reading of Scripture and the proclamation of the word, also known as the Sermon.  This portion also includes a special time for children.

The Responding to the Word portion includes the receiving of the Offering and its dedication.

The Sending portion includes a closing hymn and a benediction.

The music at this service is fairly traditional, usually we sing hymns with the accompaniment of an organ or piano.